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Associated Broadcast Consultants

ABC offer independent help and advice for Community Radio stations in the UK and Ireland

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We sell consultancy know-how, not kit – therefore our advice is independent. You can be assured we shall do our best to understand your situation, tailor advice to suit your needs and help get you started.

From FM broadcast coverage prediction plots to Community Radio trainingCommunity Radio Policies and procedures to budgets and equipment selection and more, ABC have experience and can provide consultancy advice on all aspects of setting-up and running a successful community radio station.  Please take a look around our website to avail of some free advice (such as our"Dummies Guide" to Community Radio) and see how we can help you further.

Associated Broadcast Consultants

Last updated
22.03.2013 14:03
Rate Cards
Last Updated
22.03.2013 10:53

Glyn Roylance

Principal Consultant


Email: [email protected]

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Tel: 07973994708
Email: [email protected]
Address:Green Farm, The Green Olveston UK


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