Title: Archaeology Ireland provides a constant stream of articles, news and features, covering many areas in archaeology including science, art, architecture, history, geography, economics, sociology, anthropology, religion and more.
Tel: 01 293 3568
Title: Affiliation: Official journal of the Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland
Tel: 01 295 8115/6
Fax: 01 295 9350
Title: CIS is Ireland's market leader in supplying construction project information across All-Ireland. We provide real time, in-depth information on construction projects from pre-planning to on-site stages.
Tel: 01 299 9239
Fax: 01 299 9299
Title: house + design is a new architectural consumer magazine published by the RIAI and its journal Architecture Ireland.
Tel: 01 295 8115/6
Fax: 01 295 9350
Title: The Electrical Magazine is a proven way to connect directly with the electrical industry in both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.
Tel: 048 92 612990
Fax: 048 92 612091
Title: Ireland's journal of choice for the Building Sector.
Tel: 01 442 9264
Fax: 01 280 6030
Title: Irish Construction Industry Magazine is Ireland’s most highly respected construction publication, circulated to industry leaders and opinion makers with 85% of readership at director and senior management level.
Tel: 01 848 2286
Title: The UK & Ireland's Premier Building Trade Directory
Tel: +44 (0) 2891 451 522
Title: Published in separate Irish and UK editions, Passive House Plus is an award-winning bimonthly magazine focused on highly energy efficient, healthy, sustainable buildings.
Tel: 01 210 7513
Title: Perspective is the official publication for the Royal Society of Ulster Architects (RSUA) and has been published by Ulster Tatler Group since 2001.
Tel: 048 90 663311
Fax: 048 90 381915
Title: Plan Magazine is the oldest magazine for the architectural community in Ireland.
Tel: 01 848 2286
Title: A Trade Magazine for Northern Ireland & Republic of Ireland
Tel: 048 92 612990
Fax: 048 92 612091
Title: Project Management is Ireland's leading publication for professionals within the building, civil, engineering and local government sectors.
Tel: 01 868 6640
Fax: 01 868 6651
Title: The only company in Ireland specialising in the Selfbuild market with our self build exhibitions & magazines.
Tel: 048 97 510 570
Title: Since 1980 Specify has been the leading magazine for the entire construction industry in Northern Ireland. Covering all aspects of building and related trades, Specify is widely read by architects, trade suppliers and engineers.
Tel: 048 90 783200
Fax: 048 90 783210
Title: Magazine of the Institute of Professional Auctioneers & Valuers
Tel: 01 615 4715
Title: We make totally bespoke log cabins that can be used for literally any space you can think of, whether it be a garden room, garden office, entertaining space, children’s playroom, music studio, sewing room, reading room etc…
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