Title: O'Doherty's Audio Video Production Limited (ODAV) is one of Ireland's leading outside broadcast production companies with more than 50 years experience.
Tel: 01 457 1000
Fax: 01 457 0888
Title: OCEAN STUDIOS IRELAND is a professional Recording and Production facility owned and managed by Musician, composer and producer Wayne P Sheehy.
Tel: 087 288 5830
Title: Your Story is our Business. At One Productions, Dublin (http://www.oneproductions.com) we’ve developed a process that helps you make the best videos for the right audiences, which creates attention, conversions and success for you.
Tel: 01 678 4077
Title: Open Door Studios is a professional recording studio and rehearsal space located in John's Square, Limerick City's Cultural Quarter.
Tel: 087 996 4712
Title: Professional recording studio, Voice over production, SFX, Audio post house, Mixing, Studio Recording, Location Recording, Music composition, Foley
Tel: 086 8640228 / 087 9523253
Title: An Aladdin's Cave of rare & vintage recording equipment, instruments & amplifiers. Orphan is Ireland's most unique recording studio. Analogue & Digital.
Tel: 087 698 9209