Title: Waddell Media is an award winning producer of lifestyle formats, high quality documentaries and specialise factual programmes for the UK, Irish and International markets.
Tel: 048 90 427646
Fax: 048 90 427922
Title: Affiliation: A division of the Walt Disney Company.
Tel: 01 619 1111
Fax: 01 661 8900
Title: Established in 2002, Waveform Studios is one of Ireland's leading music composition and audio post-production studios. A one-stop shop for all your audio needs, Waveform Studios offers services that range from bespoke sound design and music composition to audio post-production and music publishing services. Waveform is conveniently located in the heart of Dublin's business district beside Government buildings. Working creatively to all types of briefs and to tight deadlines is second nature at Waveform Studios.
Tel: 01 678 9995 / 087 2429765
Title: We do web videos, training videos, corporate videos, event & conference videos, marketing, sales and promotional videos, commercials, animations and graphics.
Tel: 021 702 13719
Title: Wildcard is currently Ireland’s most successful film distributor having released the biggest Irish titles of the last three.
Tel: 01 661 9006
Title: Ireland’s premier audio production facility, Windmill Lane Recording Studios have been at the heart of recording in Ireland since 1978.
Tel: 01 668 5567
Fax: 01 668 5352