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Company: Techcom Audiovisual

Title: Techcom is one of Irelands leading commercial audiovisual systems integrators. We provide end-to-end AV solutions including consultancy, design, installation, creative services, and on-going maintenance & support. We are dedicated to providing our clients with a competitive advantage through a continuous process of quality integration and technical advancement.

Tel: 01 456 6602


Company: Telegael

Title: Our multi-Emmy® and IFTA award winning studio works with international producers, distributors and broadcasters to develop, finance and co-produce animation and live-action content for the global market.

Tel: 091 558600

Fax: 091 553464

Company: Television Mobiles Ltd

Title: TVM provides Outside Broadcast facilities for a wide range of Production companies, TV channels and private clients. Using the most advanced technology and highly skilled and experienced personnel, TVM aspires to enable programme makers to consistently deliver top quality programmes

Tel: 025 36236 / 087 256 8328

Fax: 025 36601

Company: Temple Lane Studios

Title: Rehearsal and Studio space in Templebar D2.

Tel: 01 670 9030


Company: The Courtyard Studio

Title: Online video production expertise

Tel: 01 668 7471

Fax: 01 660 8248

Company: The Forge Recording Studio

Title: The Forge Recording Studio is a fully professional studio located in the heart of Galway City.

Tel: 091 561446


Company: The Media Pool

Title: We pool audio and video content to all registered media outlets nationally and internationally.

Tel: 01 531 1174


Company: The Production Suite

Title: Professional Recording Studio

Tel: 01 667 9004


Company: Think PM

Title: Move towards your goals with the help of Think PM for the leading branding project managers in Ireland. We have got covered with all the best products for your business including digital panels, touch screen systems, menu boards, and so much more.

Tel: 086 0667852


Company: Thomas Bourke Audio Visual

Title: Suppliers of professional Audio, Video, Lighting and photography. Sale and hire, Ireland.

Tel: 087 069 4897


Company: Thorlux Lighting

Title: The Thorlux range of luminaires is designed, manufactured and distributed by Thorlux Lighting, a division of the F.W. Thorpe Plc group.

Tel: 01 460 4608

Fax: 01 460 4609

Company: Timing Ireland TV

Title: Mobile LED Big Screen Hire

Tel: 01 846 2409


Company: Tinpot Studios

Title: Production Studio. Offers recording services, Video services and Training. Our aim is to help provide you with the best technology, production and skills.

Tel: 01 652 0880


Company: Toomey Audio Visual

Title: At Digisound Audio Visual we are the experts in the areas of Installation, Rental and Maintenance of Audio Visual equipment.

Tel: 01 4660515


Company: Treehouse Republic

Title: Treehouse Republic is a creative-led award-winning 2D animation studio. Having been raised on Saturday morning cartoons while searching for the toys in the cereal box has led to a strong comedy action core that they pour over all their work. With over 20 hours of content created to date, Treehouse loves nothing more than to develop series' from the initial concept and follow through to the final output and have the ability to claim up to 32% Tax back on Irish spend. From their studio in the heart of Dublin, they create amazing animations for all ages.

Tel: 01 662 9688


Company: Tyndall Productions

Title: Tyndall Productions Limited, (the parent company of RPM Motorsport), has been in business since 1984.

Tel: 048 92 689444

Fax: 048 92 689240

Company: Tyrell

Title: Tyrell understands the unique pressures and the fast pace of the media and entertainment industry and provides turnkey solutions for the creation, manipulation, management and delivery of digital content.

Tel: 01 888 1118


Company: Tyrone Productions Ltd

Title: One of Ireland’s premier production companies with offices in Dublin and Belfast.

Tel: 01 889 4900

Fax: 01 889 4992

Company: UCD Media Services

Title: Media production service for audio, video and graphic presentations.

Tel: 01 716 7020

Fax: 01 283 0060

Company: Universal Pictures International Ireland

Title: Creates and distributes theatrical and non-theatrical film entertainment.

Tel: 01 477 3244
