Title: The Administration Yearbook & Diary contains over 400 pages of detailed information on 9,000 organisations with approximately 11,000 contacts listed.
Tel: 01 240 3600
Fax: 01 668 9135
Title: The Farm Machinery & Equipment Yearbook provides detailed listings including specifications and prices across tractors, tillage, grassland, dairy as well as general machinery.
Tel: 01 7096900
Title: Affiliation: Official publication of the Institute of Packaging Ireland
Tel: 01 241 3095
Fax: 01 241 3010
Title: Affiliation: PharmaChemical Ireland (formerly the IPCMF)
Tel: 01 241 3095
Fax: 01 241 3010
Title: The Irish Racing Yearbook has established itself as one of the racing world's favourite reads.
Tel: 056 7761504
Fax: 056 7761510