Title: Monthly newspaper est. in 1979 covering all of Clare, Ballina (Tipperary), Gort (Galway) and parts of Limerick City with 20,000 copies monthly.
Tel: 085 7450455
Title: Free local newspaper delivered direct to 8,000 homes in Clondalkin every two weeks as certified by the ABC.
Tel: 01 451 9000
Title: Bringing you the latest news, views from Derry city and the whole county.
Tel: 048 77 743970
Fax: 048 77 740748
Title: Bringing you the latest news, views from Derry city and the whole county.
Tel: 048 71 296600
Fax: 048 71 296605
Title: The Donegal Post is your favourite local newspaper published every Wednesday under the editorship of Michael McHugh.
Tel: 074 972 4103
Fax: 074 9725312
Title: Serving the people of Drogheda, East Meath and Mid Louth since 1995, we currently reach 70,000 readers each week, delivering a high quality free newspaper through the doors of households, into businesses and newsagents and areas where people congregate.
Tel: 041 983 6100
Fax: 041 984 1517
Title: Comprehensive news coverage of Dundalk and the surrounding areas.
Tel: 042 932 0888
Fax: 042 932 9676
Title: Affiliation: VFD (Verified Free Distribution) – Bulk Distribution Subsidiary of ABC (UK) Ltd
Tel: 091 530900
Fax: 091 567150
Title: The Kildare Post is delivered to homes and businesses in the Kildare area, and is available in Newsagents, Convenience Stores, Shopping Centres, Hotels, Bars, Restaurants and more.
Tel: 045 879879
Fax: 045 409335
Title: Established 1999 FREE WEEKLY FULL COLOUR MAGAZINE – available in hard copy and online
Tel: 1800 71 40 40 / Mob 087 – 6593427
Title: Established in 2004. Free Biweekly, Full Colour Magazine – Available in hard copy and on line
Tel: 1800 714040 / Mob: 087 659 3427
Title: Available at shopping centers, newsagents and public areas throughout Letterkenny.
Tel: 074 911 2700
Fax: 074 9112791
Title: The Limerick Post newspaper is a locally owned free newspaper with the largest distribution in the Munster region
Tel: 061 413322
Fax: 061 409796
Title: Seven regional newspapers delivering local news, pictures and local sports coverage to the Dublin market on a weekly basis.
Tel: 01 601 0240
Fax: 01 601 0251
Title: Free local newspaper delivered direct to 12,000 homes in Lucan every two weeks as certified by the ABC.
Tel: 01 451 9000
Title: Newsgroup circulates 50,000 free newspapers to Lucan, Clondalkin, Tallaght, Rathcoole, Saggart and Newcastle every two weeks as certified by the ABC. And Local Post Co. is one of Dublin's fastest growing leaflet and newspaper distribution companies.
Tel: 01 4519000
Title: Serving the people of South Tipperary for over 125 years, leading the way in our comprehensive coverage of news, sport, opinion and features.
Tel: 052 617 2500
Fax: 052 617 2538