Title: Affiliation: formerly known as 4gifts, Bewley’s Hampers and InterTeddy
Tel: 01 882 8040
Fax: 01 882 8041
Title: Our dedicated team are ready and waiting to help you choose the perfect gift for loved ones and valued clients alike, so give us call or drop us a line and we'll take care of the rest. At Irish Beast we're passionate about supporting Irish food suppliers. For over 15 years we have nurtured relationships with over 30 local Irish businesses to ensure our hampers are brimming with only the finest iconic Irish treats.
Tel: 094 965 5649
Title: The Artisan Hamper Collection was born from a passion for handmade, quality products. All of the gorgeous items in our Hampers are made locally by small businesses so every time you buy one of our beautifully presented Hampers you are supporting up to 17 of these businesses.
Tel: 087 097 2645