Title: Alé Mercado is a talented advocate of a powerful and edgy style of illustration which is emerging from the underground art scene. Alé’s work is very graphic and has a strong, dark and witty style that fits into the rock/marginal/lifestyle genres. In his 20-year career as a graphic designer and illustrator, Alé’s work has been used extensively by Government agencies and event organisers. His designs and illustrations are created digitally while retaining the expression of traditional media, namely pen and ink, screen printing and woodcutting. In 2005 he was awarded Best Design Illustration from the Illustrators Guild of Ireland.
Tel: 086 172 3751
Title: Artist & Illustrator
Tel: 01 497 3389 / 086 079 7200
Fax: 01 497 3389
Title: Caricatures Ireland
Tel: 01 825 3919 / 087 644 2947
Title: Mural artist| Mural Designs| Visual Arts| Wall Painting, Ireland
Tel: 086 212 4074
Title: In 2002 Johanna and Gabrielle formed a creative partnership called Creatures of Serendipity. In the beginning they spent all of their time at their drawing boards, creating zany characters that found their way onto T-shirts, baby-grows and thongs. It began with Molly, Gabby’s rotund, excitable pug who inspired a series of ‘Pugs n Poofs’ then catapulted into the world of ‘Pigs n Wigs’ and ‘Dogs n Bogs’ or breath-taking adventures with Budley and Bishop. Armed with pencils, pens, brushes and ink they immersed themselves in folds of paper and drew obsessively, entwining their drawing styles, two became one.
Tel: 087 242 1496
Title: Portfolio includes custom artwork for offices, theme-based note cards, greeting cards for all occasions. Including oil paintings and detailed drawings.
Tel: 01 831 7804
Fax: 01 831 7804
Title: Affiliation: Illustrators Guild of Ireland.
Tel: 086 247 0737
Title: Lorraine Fletcher is a Galway based artist creating wildlife inspired paintings and giftware expressing the extraordinary beauty of the animal world through vivid colours.
Tel: 087 194 1941
Title: Member of the Illustrators Guild of Ireland. Specialises in fantastical, surreal and detailed illustration for children's books and concept artwork.
Tel: 087 939 0957
Title: Steve Simpson is renowned for his hand lettered packaging design, whimsical characters and illustrated barcodes.
Tel: 087 265 9641