Title: Airspeed Telecom is leader provider of internet and data services throughout Ireland. We design and manage telecommunications services including LAN, leased lines and WAN.
Tel: 01 428 7555
Title: National telecommunications provider supplying the following applications: voice, broadband – satellite and wireless, hosting services, Domain registration, Internet application development, business solution applications.
Tel: 042 939 3320
Fax: 042 939 6410
Title: Documation are a software development, sales and support company. We provide web-to-print solutions based on our Web4Print publishing technology. Clients include printing companies, advertising and design agencies and retail chains. Applications include www.PharmaPOS.ie for independent pharmacies.
Tel: 01 653 5008
Title: IT support and services, Internet Service Provider
Tel: 085 702 0711
Title: No matter if you're using a PC or a mobile device in or outside your office, you can access your business documents and other data virtually anytime, anywhere.
Tel: 01 849 0906
Title: Virgin Media is Ireland’s leading digital pioneer and innovator.
Tel: 01 245 8000