Title: The Indie List is Ireland’s No.1 online talent-discovery company for marketing communications, creativity and e-commerce services. We provide easy access to hundreds of highly experienced freelancers, contractors, consultants, and side-hustlers in a quick and cost-effective manner.
Tel: 086 231 0222
Title: Performance. It's Not What We Do. It's Who We Are.
Tel: +35312712100
Title: Our mission is to ensure companies obtain clarity in their business, by using insight to eveluate and direct marketing and sales strategy.
Tel: 01 818 6316
Fax: 01 818 6328
Title: The Cat’s Pyjamas Strategic Marketing provides marketing support services to brands and marketing teams within the consumer and business to business sectors.
Tel: 086 3141755
Title: Cost Effective Marketing Solutions
Tel: 086 8206364 / 087 4181443
Title: Achieve Marketing is an international marketing communications agency that specialises in clever & creative communication campaigns that produce results.
Tel: 01 525 2155
Title: Ad_Man Creative Marketing Insight & Strategy offers a range of outsource services to advertising and PR agencies, including... - Advertising strategic planning - Pitch development and advice - Client strategy and direction In advertising pitches and tenders, the strategic planning and insights I deliver for my agency clients are consistently 5* Ask me about this and I'll share what I'm at liberty to share...
Tel: 0044 789 167 2009
Title: Affiliation: PRI (Public Relations Institute), PRCA (Public Relations Consultants Association), Irish Software Association, IIA (Irish Internet Association), Irish Exhibition Organisers Association, AOIFE.
Tel: 01 284 7796
Fax: 01 284 7618
Title: Amárach Research works with its clients to discover the right answers to their important questions through primary research and consulting services that provide powerful insights and clear recommendations.
Tel: 01 410 5200
Fax: 01 405 6110
Title: Our marketing services streamline all your marketing messages to maximise their impact on your customers.
Tel: 049 4371211
Fax: 049 4332631
Title: ARMS Marketing & Training possess an unrivalled experience in assisting Irish SMEs deal with strategic and operational challenges in the areas of marketing and business development.
Tel: 087 9881583
Fax: 094 93 76903
Title: aspire serves its clients by solving problems and creating new solutions in the areas of Strategy, Marketing and Design & Advertising.
Tel: 01 633 5149
Title: B2B Communications is a marketing planning company specialising in innovative strategic solutions to communicate its client’s messages and grow their companies.
Tel: 051 858 888
Title: We grow brands by creating better experiences.
Tel: +353 (01) 201 3388