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Company: About Marketing

Title: Cost Effective Marketing Solutions

Tel: 086 8206364 / 087 4181443


Company: Achieve Marketing

Title: Achieve Marketing is an international marketing communications agency that specialises in clever & creative communication campaigns that produce results.

Tel: 01 525 2155


Company: Adapt Marketing Services Ltd

Title: .

Tel: 01 493 9511

Fax: 01 494 7711

Company: Ad_Man Creative Marketing Insight & Strategy

Title: Ad_Man Creative Marketing Insight & Strategy offers a range of outsource services to advertising and PR agencies, including... - Advertising strategic planning - Pitch development and advice - Client strategy and direction In advertising pitches and tenders, the strategic planning and insights I deliver for my agency clients are consistently 5* Ask me about this and I'll share what I'm at liberty to share...

Tel: 0044 789 167 2009


Company: AE Consulting

Title: Affiliation: PRI (Public Relations Institute), PRCA (Public Relations Consultants Association), Irish Software Association, IIA (Irish Internet Association), Irish Exhibition Organisers Association, AOIFE.

Tel: 01 284 7796

Fax: 01 284 7618

Company: Amatino Partners

Title: Our marketing services streamline all your marketing messages to maximise their impact on your customers.

Tel: 049 4371211

Fax: 049 4332631

Company: ARMS Marketing & Training

Title: ARMS Marketing & Training possess an unrivalled experience in assisting Irish SMEs deal with strategic and operational challenges in the areas of marketing and business development.

Tel: 087 9881583

Fax: 094 93 76903

Company: Aspire! Marketing Strategy Consultants

Title: aspire serves its clients by solving problems and creating new solutions in the areas of Strategy, Marketing and Design & Advertising.

Tel: 01 633 5149


Company: B2B Communications

Title: B2B Communications is a marketing planning company specialising in innovative strategic solutions to communicate its client’s messages and grow their companies.

Tel: 051 858 888


Company: Bane Mullarkey

Title: Tourism Consultants

Tel: 086 806 2540 / 087 286 5217


Company: Better Business Results

Title: Better Business Results provide marketing and systemisation services and consulting to SME's.

Tel: 01 4880985


Company: Bitter Business

Title: The Bitter Business provides sales and marketing with a difference. Helping companies grow by delivering innovative, sales-marketing focused revenue acceleration and customer acquisition strategies.

Tel: 0872817820


Company: Brand-Edge Ltd

Title: Brand & Marketing Consultant

Tel: 01 496 5110


Company: Bruce Copeland Marketing

Title: .

Tel: 053 942 7291/7679

Fax: 053 942 7398

Company: BSI Entertainment Ltd

Title: An international sports marketing and entertainment company providing clients with a sponsorship strategy, marketing consultancy and event management service.

Tel: 01 643 2313


Company: Bullseye Food Marketing Ltd

Title: Bullseye Food Marketing is a world-class provider of brand development, marketing, and specialist food business development solutions, custom-built for the FMCG sector.

Tel: 021 477 6644 / 087 653 9676

Fax: 021 477 6888

Company: Chilli Pepper Marketing

Title: We are a specialist Retention Marketing Agency, helping build customer loyalty.

Tel: 01 531 1420


Company: Clear Ink

Title: We're a brand communications agency that specialises in finding a brand’s “voice” and using it consistently and clearly across all communication channels. For more than 10 years, we have worked with the world's largest organisations, multinationals, professional services membership organisations, state bodies and semi-state companies on their brand projects.

Tel: +353 87 207 0495


Company: Company Bureau Formation Ltd

Title: Company Bureau ( is Ireland's leading Company Formation and Corporate Service Provider.

Tel: 01 646 1625

Fax: 01 443 0646

Company: Connect International Ltd

Title: Connect International concentrates its efforts on licensed and strongly branded goods, and on branded food products.

Tel: 01 294 0490

Fax: 01 294 0494

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