Title: Affiliation: ABC, NNI, JNRS DMG Media Ireland t/a The Irish Daily Mail
Tel: 01 2560800
Title: Ireland’s biggest-selling and best-read daily newspaper.
Tel: 01 705 5425
Title: Respected for reputation and reach
Tel: 01 705 5408
Fax: 01 705 5497
Title: Affiliation: North Belfast News, South Belfast News
Tel: 048 90 619000
Fax: 048 90 605533
Title: Largest Circulating Paper in the Midlands.
Tel: 090 647 0920
Title: Publishers of The Avondhu weekly newspaper.
Tel: 025 24451
Fax: 025 84463
Title: Serving the community since the 70s – i gceart lár do phobail.
Tel: 021 4877665
Fax: 021 4871404
Title: The Banbridge Chronicle is the oldest and longest serving newspaper in the district. The first issue of the Banbridge Chronicle and Downshire Standard appeared on October 29, 1870 and comprised 28 closely printed columns of “foreign, domestic and local intelligence.”
Tel: 048 40 662322
Fax: 048 40 624397
Title: Market leading local daily newpaper in Northern Ireland
Tel: 048 90 264000
Fax: 048 90 554504
Title: Clare's leading newspaper, covering news, sport, local notes from the Banner County.
Tel: 065 682 8105
Fax: 065 682 0374
Title: Monthly newspaper est. in 1979 covering all of Clare, Ballina (Tipperary), Gort (Galway) and parts of Limerick City with 20,000 copies monthly.
Tel: 085 7450455
Title: Free local newspaper delivered direct to 8,000 homes in Clondalkin every two weeks as certified by the ABC.
Tel: 01 451 9000