Title: DOOH advertising company and the first Irish advertising company with the ability to offer verifiable metrics to above the line advertising.
Tel: 021 4510222
Fax: 021 451 0229
Title: Brochure Display and Distribution Specialists in Dublin and Nationwide.
Tel: 01 825 8124/8126
Fax: 01 825 9655
Title: Delite Global produces show stopping Special Builds, 3D, 2D, Props, Lighting Effects, Lenticular and Electroluminescent Light for outdoor advertising (OOH) and Indoor display – designed to engage customers and make campaigns effective and memorable.
Tel: 01 664 3877
Title: Affiliation: International Association of Professional Brochure Distributors.
Tel: 061 338588
Fax: 061 338584
Title: Affiliation: The Picture Works, Bleeker Street.
Tel: 01 230 0558
Fax: 01 230 2759
Title: Flat screens strategically place in front of the queues in Ireland's leading Credit Unions showing advertising and also providing in-house information systems.
Tel: 051 294900
Fax: 051 294901
Title: Since 2002, INFORM has been offering its' clients the best possible ways of getting their messages into the hands of thousands of people waiting in an environment where health and wellbeing topics are on their minds.
Tel: 061 338580
Fax: 061 338584
Title: Branding, innovation, strategy and marketing communications is our core expertise. We go the extra mile to produce creative innovative solutions that deliver results.
Tel: +44 (0)28 9057 9000
Fax: +44 (0)28 9057 9001
Title: We have a vibrant offbeat network of digital screens and boutique billboards, which we enrich with fun colourful attuned content.
Tel: 01 677 3834
Title: MyPlace Media is an ambient advertising company, specialising in washroom advertising and light box advertising in bars and clubs, primarily in Dublin City Centre.
Tel: 01 660 6435
Fax: 01 660 6431
Title: Northern Ireland's leading airport advertising specialist.
Tel: 048 9085 9670
Title: At Von Labs we are building a Von Republic for advertising experiences that consumers love, without compromising their personal data to do so. We believe in giving the power back to our Von Citizens to let them decide how much of their attention they wish to trade to the brands that want to speak to them.
Tel: 01 445 2406