Title: Professional, translation services from certified translators and interpreters. Offering 50 language combinations including Russian, German, Spanish, Latvian, Arabic & More.
Tel: 01 459 5158
Title: Affiliation: ISO 9002, Irish Translator’s & Interpreter’s Association, MD Member of Institute of Translators & Interpreters London.
Tel: 021 431 6022
Fax: 021 431 6073
Title: Translation services, Interpreting, Translating agency.
Tel: 01 4545943
Title: MODERN POLYGLOTS Ltd. provides translation, interpreting and legal advice services to meet your specific needs. We offer free analysis, consultation, and quotations and/or estimates to help you assess your project. For large or ongoing projects, we build and coordinate teams of linguists based on your language, audience, subject matter, and medium criteria
Tel: 085 119 2911
Title: Modern Polyglots is translations and interpreting agency based in Ireland nationwide. We provide legal translations and interpreting services in the main spoken languages. Those services include translation of plain texts, certificates, websites, legal documents and interpreting in several fields.
Tel: 085 754 5845
Title: PL Translations is a Dublin based translation company, founded in 2009.
Tel: 01 619 0209
Title: Provider of technical translation services, website translation and document translation services. ISO 9001:2008 Certified.
Tel: 01 836 5614
Title: Since 1988 WLS has provided a range of quality language services with a special focus on translation and translator training. Our innovative online translation courses enable translators to obtain Translation Certification from the comfort of their homes.
Tel: 01 639 2984