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An international award-winning systems integration specialist, Hereworks is Ireland’s leading building automation, audio visual and digital transformation specialist with unique expertise in development and integration, making your building or campus a more efficient, user-friendly and a better place to work.

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Our experience in telecommunications engineering and IP network integration allows our team of technicians, programmers, system architects, UI designers, project managers and M&E engineers to design, build and install a complete, smart system fully integrated securely on your network.

We have a history of delivering enterprise grade audio-visual and automation systems across a multitude of sectors, including corporate, commercial, education, hospitality, manufacturing, retail and critical environments in new developments and occupied workspaces.

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Tel: 01 488 0192
Email: [email protected]
Address: Unit 7-8, Block 13A, Ashbourne Business Park, Ashbourne, Co. Meath, A84 PY68 Ireland


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