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Nolan Sound

Nolan Sound is a professional sound and lighting company based in Castlepollard, Co. Westmeath. We have provided a service to the music and entertainment industry in Ireland for over 40 years, working with many high profile clients in that time.

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Our expertise and dedication to perfection has allowed us to retain our clients for much of the 40 years that we have been in business. Over that time our sound and lighting engineers have toured the world and have always delivered to the highest possible standard where ever they have been.

The hire service that Nolan Sound provide includes professional sound and lighting equipment capable of covering any sized show or event. Full production of the highest quality is provided, to ensure that your event or show goes as smoothly as possible.  Our team of experienced and friendly Audio and Lighting Technicians are there to ensure all your wants and needs are catered for in a professional manner.

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Tel: 086 2694466
Email: [email protected]
Address:Alan Nolan & Son The Square, Castlepollard, Co. Westmeath, Ireland


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