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Tinpot Studios

Production Studio. Offers recording services, Video services and Training. Our aim is to help provide you with the best technology, production and skills.

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Tinpot – say what you like about the name, you’re not likely to forget it.

And so it is with our cutting edge audio production. We make distinctive radio ads which cut through daytime radio clutter, radio content which engages and entertains, corporate recordings designed to deliver, sound mix for tv, animation and any other media you care to mention.

Our centrally located custom built studios are designed by producers for producers and are ideal for voiceover, narration, ISDN to broadcast, roundtable discussion, drama, foley, even acoustic music recording

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Tel: 01 652 0880
Email: [email protected]
Address:The Basement, 32 Merrion St Upper, Dublin 2, Ireland


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