Title: AAI exists to ensure a viable, vibrant future for brand marketing. We champion inspiration and innovation across our pillars of access, insight and influence.
Tel: 01 659 9457
Fax: 01 637 3954
Title: Magazines Ireland is the trade association of magazine publishers. Its objective is to promote and protect the interests of magazine publishers and in particular its members.
Tel: 01 667 5579
Title: At MII, we investigate, illuminate, and inspire to embolden the future of marketing.
Tel: 01 295 2355
Fax: 01 295 2453
Title: IAPI is the representative body for Irish advertising agencies. IAPI position and promote our industry as a recognised and respected engine of responsible growth for our members, our people, our clients and our planet.
Tel: 01 676 5991
Title: Affiliation: Founder Member of European Advertising Standards Alliance.
Tel: 01 613 7040
Fax: 01 613 7043
Title: French language and cultural centre
Tel: 021 431 0677
Title: Affiliation: Cork, Dublin, Kilkenny, Limerick, Waterford.
Tel: 01 676 1732
Fax: 01 676 4077
Title: AOIFE – the Association of Irish Festival Events – is an all-island voluntary network organisation that brings together organisers of festivals and events in Ireland, suppliers to the festival and event sector and policy-makers and funders •to act as a forum for the sharing of ideas and •to resolve common areas of concern and seeks to influence government policies in relation to the sector.
Tel: 090 964 5831
Title: AONTAS exists to promote the development of a learning society through the provision of a quality and comprehensive system of adult learning and education which is accessible to and inclusive to all.
Tel: 01 406 8220/1
Fax: 01 406 8227
Title: The Association of Promotional Marketing Consultants represents the interests of member Promotional Marketing Agencies in Ireland.
Tel: 01 284 8401
Fax: 01 284 8941
Title: The national development agency for the Irish film industry investing in talent, creativity and enterprise.
Tel: 091 561398
Fax: 091 561405
Title: Chambers Ireland is the country's largest business organisation, with 60 member chambers representing over 13,000 businesses throughout the island of Ireland
Tel: 01 400 4300
Fax: 01 661 2811
Title: The professional institute for all those working in personnel training and development.
Tel: 01 653 0400
Fax: 01 653 0500
Title: Co-operation Ireland is a non-governmental, cross-border, cross-community organisation promoting relationship building between the people of Northern Ireland and of the Republic of Ireland.
Tel: 01 819 7692
Fax: 01 894 4962
Title: The Consumers’ Association of Ireland is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental organisation, registered with charitable status and working on behalf of Irish consumers.
Tel: 01 659 9430
Title: At CopyClear (formerly Central Copy Clearance of Ireland or CCCI) we like nothing more than a well-crafted ad. After all, we’ve long experience on both the client and the agency side. Now it’s our role to ensure that alcohol is advertised responsibly and in accordance with the ASAI code. That’s why we work painstakingly, and in close collaboration with the brand teams, to ensure that all alcohol-related communications in our remit respect that code. We’re always happy to meet and discuss ideas before they’re at submission stage and we make sure that all work submitted before 1pm each Tuesday and Thursday is dealt with that same day. The key measure of success in our service to you is zero upheld consumer complaints about your work once published or broadcast.
Tel: 01 676 4876
Title: Affiliation: ITIA/Irish Translators' and Interpreters' Association, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, MEI RELSA, ACELS
Tel: 01 700 8066 / 8077
Title: Dublin Chamber of Commerce represents the interests of all businesses in the Greater Dublin Area and as the leading business organisation in the area, the Chamber offers the opportunity to promote your business and to get involved in its future direction.
Tel: 01 644 7200
Fax: 01 676 6043