Title: Host & Company is this island’s most experienced and successful hospitality and food public relations company.
Tel: 01 855 8500
Title: Hosting Ireland offer you fast and affordable domain name registration. Register your domain with Hosting Ireland and receive additional discounts when purchased with any web hosting or even free domain hosting with our cloud ultima or website builder package.
Tel: 01 902 0020
Title: The Hot Press Yearbook is an extraordinary resource, which is essential reading for everyone operating in the music, media and entertainment space – or indeed for anyone planning to over the coming years.
Tel: 01 241 1500
Fax: 01 241 1538
Title: The Hotel and Restaurant Times is the leading publication in Ireland for the Hotel and Restaurant Industry.
Tel: 01 628 5447
Title: Located just over an hour from Dublin, two hours from Cork and 30 minutes from Waterford, Hotel Kilkenny is the ideal meeting & conference venue for the South East of Ireland. Member of the Griffin Hotel Group.
Tel: 056 776 2000
Fax: 056 776 5984
Title: 4 Star Hotel Westport is one of the leading hotels in Mayo in the West of Ireland. Secluded in 7 acres of beautiful woodland in the heritage town of Westport, with awarding-winning leisure facilities and the luxurious Ocean Spirit Spa. At this hotel in Mayo, you will discover a uniquely friendly hotel, abounding in warmth and relaxation.
Tel: 098 25122
Fax: 098 26739
Title: Hotel promotions specialists, hotel vouchers.
Tel: 01 667 5377
Fax: 01 667 5381
Title: house + design is a new architectural consumer magazine published by the RIAI and its journal Architecture Ireland.
Tel: 01 295 8115/6
Fax: 01 295 9350
Title: House and Home is Ireland’s best loved interiors magazine and is an invaluable sourcebook for making your house into a home. This award winning full colour bi-monthly publication features a myriad of creative home improvement ideas and expert advice. Filled with beautiful photoshoots, House and Home not only looks good, it’s also a great read.
Tel: 01 707 6025
Title: segways are currently still illegal to ride on public roads and pavements.
Tel: 03332344665
Title: Marketing, Public Relations & Brand Building.
Tel: 01 839 3393
Title: The Independent Voice of Hospital Pharmacy.
Tel: 01 6690562
Title: Creative photography, people, places, things.
Tel: 01 475 6038 / 086 333 9994
Fax: 01 475 6038
Title: HuntOffice.ie is Ireland's premier online office supplier. Largest range of office supplies online, over 150,000 products.
Tel: 01 623 0623
Title: Online marketing agency focused on stunning design and killer conversion.
Tel: +353 (0)1 9053953
Title: Hyland Productions is a small, young, innovative production company located in Dublin, Ireland.
Tel: 087 298 1651