one. To start with the video interview it is necessary to complete the preparation and understand
human communication so that one can develop testimonials, outreach videos or some
informational series.
Before Videotaping a few Things Should be Considered
- Interviewers should share a few tips with the interviewee before starting the actual process.
- Make them at ease.
- Offer coffee.
- Tell them to relax.
- Tell them to forget about the camera and talk one on one like pals or colleagues.
- Feel free to ramble. (you need to make your points clear, don’t hold anything back)
- If you get confused, start over again (at the end most of the part will be edited, so you can go for numerous takes.)
- Speak what you believe in, and passion should be felt throughout.
To create a successful marketing video interview, there are few things to be considered so that the person being interviewed feels comfortable and a perfect video can be achieved.
Get Your Subject Talking
It is significant to make the subject comfortable and break the ice to contribute to the atmosphere which will be enjoyed. Once the environment seems relaxing, the person on the other side opens up easily. Play the game smoothly in the beginning which will transition gradually. Start with introducing yourself and build the conversation in an engaging manner. Continue talking in the way that the interviewee feels more connected and shares the details.
Ask Questions
Keep on building up the conversation without unnecessary pauses. Ask for follow-up questions and design conversation in such a way that one thing should lead to another one in a smooth way. Be extremely smart while preparing questions, they should be much more spontaneous one. If you proceed with overly prepared questions then you should expect overly prepared answers too. The best way to get genuine answers is to come up with off-the-cuff inquiries. Questions are an integral part of every interview. You should work around them and have a plan to come up with them effortlessly. It is better to make pointers or note them somewhere, so you get ideas from time to time how you are going to have your precious time and would not waste time thinking at the run time.
Keep it Simple
The main purpose of doing this video interview is to get content you were aiming for. You are there to ask questions, direct the conversation to achieve your results and most importantly to listen to what other people have to say. Whenever you feel that conversation is becoming boring or it is not serving the purpose, then try to restate the question for which you were looking for answers. Try to get as much content as possible so that you have enough material to edit in the next phase.
Be a Good Interview Partner
To get the desirable results from the interview being conducted, you have to play a very important role too. You should know what topics should be discussed in that interview and what should be highlighted. You are not only there for asking questions but to create a congenial environment that can make the other person at ease.
Connect With Your Content
The main purpose of these marketing interview videos is that the audience and interviewee can connect with them easily. People should relate with it and the content shown in it looks natural rather than something forced or scripted. Things that come naturally have a strong impact rather than a scene that is created forcefully. For instance if your outreach video is based on a series then separate all the interviews but build a link between them. Plan every interview separately while working around the subject matter. The objective behind every interview can be the same but the questions asked should not look repetitive. Stay persistent and design your questions in an intelligent way that you can derive pretty much everything from it which you were looking for.
Listen Carefully
Now as you know what points you need to consider getting a successful interview of your choice, there is one thing which should not be ignored and that is you should play an active role and act as a good listener. You should learn to understand what the interviewee is trying to say and also read between the lines so that you can build up your conversation easily. Do not miss any point which might add value to the whole conversation. Don’t interrupt repeatedly and if the other person is sharing good feedback then let them complete it without any hassle. Pay attention and show respect towards other people. Confirm your journalistic professionalism and use the answers of the interviewee to produce fruitful questions that can make the interview more interesting.
In the end that you have covered everything needed for that interview. If there is any ambiguity left, clear it then and there rather than thinking about it later. If you are not sure about your questions regarding a person or the company you can have a quick pep talk with the interviewee and make sure about the things. Conducting the interview may seem an easy task while seeing as a viewer but the people going through this process surely knows that what it takes to come up with something worthy and impactful. Just follow the basic principles of journalism and lead successful interviews.
By Jennifer Broflowski
Jennifer Broflowski is working as an author at and has been creating top-notch pieces for the people to assist them with their job process. She knows how important it is to create well-written resume cover letters and what employers usually look in the resume while considering calling an employee.