
By Nick Douglas

“What is a website that everyone should know about but few people actually know about?” asks redditor tj007s13. This is a common question on Reddit, but every time it gets new answers. Here are some of our favourite answers from the thread.

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  • The Electric Typewriter: Collection of long-form journalism and essays, curated according to topic and author.
  • Tiny portal centred around multi-site search (kind of like those pre-Google search aggregators). Also has pages for cryptocurrency prices, tech news, and other “stocks! weather! sports scores!”-style content.
  • Airport wifi: User-made Google map of Wi-Fi passwords at airport lounges around the world. (Previously on Lifehacker.)
  • Privacy Tools: Compare VPNs to protect yourself while on airport Wi-Fi.
  • The Cutting Room Floor: Wiki of “unused and cut content from video games”.
  • Lightning Map: Real-time map of lightning strikes.

Check out hundreds more in the thread.

What is a website that everyone should know about but few people actually know about? | AskReddit

Feature Image Credit: Getty Images

By Nick Douglas

Sourced from lifehacker

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