By Morgan Smith
Job interviews can feel like a high-stakes game where every word counts and one wrong answer can mean the difference between landing an offer or getting rejected.
To nail an interview, you need to learn how to communicate effectively, says LinkedIn career expert Andrew McCaskill.
“Interviews are a performance art, and to perform well, you have to rehearse,” he tells CNBC Make It. “The best interviewers are the people who have rehearsed their talking points with a mentor, a friend or even an old co-worker because that helps you feel confident and comfortable talking about yourself.”
All jobs might demand different skills, but there are a few strategies that will go over well no matter what position you’re interviewing for.
The smartest ‘closing pitch’ to make in a job interview
Here’s the smartest statement you can make at the end of any job interview, according to McCaskill:
“I want to underscore how much I want this job. I think my skills and experiences are perfect for it, and that I could have a strong, positive impact on the team. Here’s why…”
It may seem forward but McCaskill says closing out an interview this way hits on two important qualities hiring managers look for:
- Enthusiasm: If you seem neutral or apathetic about a job, chances are, you won’t make a lasting impression on the hiring manager. To show them that you’re the best fit for the role, you have to express up front that you’re excited about the opportunity.
- Confidence: You also want to clearly articulate your strengths and the value you’d be bringing to the team. McCaskill recommends keeping your explanation brief and focusing on two or three skills outlined in the job description that you possess and would use to advance or support the organization’s goals.
“Think about it as your closing pitch,” McCaskill says. “You don’t want to leave the interviewer guessing about your interest in the role, or if you have what it takes to succeed there.”
Want to land your dream job in 2024? Take CNBC’s new online course How to Ace Your Job Interview to learn what hiring managers are really looking for, body language techniques, what to say and not to say, and the best way to talk about pay. Use discount code NEWGRAD to get 50% off from 5/1/24 to 6/30/24.
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